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Sand Box Fun!

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Fit the wood and sand in the back of
the Prius like the PROS we are. G wasn’t
happy (because Daddy ran into the
store- he kept yelling “Daddddddyyyyy!”

I was a little concerned about getting a sandbox because of the mess involved, but once we mulched the back area I felt much better about sand going into the mulch than into the grass (not sure why it matters, but my brain says it does). G loves sand and Daddy B promised to make a cover for the sandbox so we won’t have the dogs or random wild animals using it as a litter box. For this post, I’m just going to cover the sand box itself. I’ll post later once we build the cover and/or umbrella as well. It seems like we’ve got a million and a half DIY projects to complete right now and yet I have no energy for it all. Being pregnant is hard work!

We had to purchase:

We had all the tools that we needed such as a screwdriver and circular saw. Daddy B used this tutorial from Lowes to make the sandbox, but we made ours 4×4′ instead of 8×8′ in the tutorial.

Pictures of Process

When we mulched our back area, we left a space open for the sandbox in the corner. It’s got landscaping fabric down to help keep weeds from growing up in the sandbox. Daddy B piled the sand in the middle while he worked on the box itself.

Here Daddy B is, measuring out the wood for a 4×4′ sandbox. G is helping.

Cutting the wood down to the correct size.

Daddy B used wood glue to put the wood together. This required a decent amount of time to let it dry.

Obviously this is a lot of fun ALREADY.

Daddy B made some stakes and screwed them into the bottom of the sandbox, then flipped the sandbox over to put it into the ground so it’d wouldn’t shift.

Fill with sand. Cover child’s feet if possible. 
Finished! We’ll probably add a cover and also an umbrella of some sort (a permanent one) eventually. 

Sharing is caring!